NN ✕ Mutant Joe
Audio-reactive animation of the track "Atletico" for the album Dream Corrupted.
Based on content from club residents.

Audio-reactive animation of the track "Atletico" for the album Dream Corrupted.
Based on content from club residents.
A collaboration between multimedia designer Natalya Naronova, соосновательницы синтетики, и парагвайского музыканта Qetsy , with an exclusive track.
Location — an artistic research project Textura, aggregating street culture figures around itself, storing hundreds of locations and works.
Lookbook locations are the result of studying the urban landscape and three-dimensional archiving of the urban environment.
Shoes — virtual brand ISDKV
Clothing — a waterproof anorak with synthetics residents' artwork.
Institute of Sneaker Design and Kicks Virtuality was founded by Ilyas Darakchiev - footwear designer from Russia.
The "ISDKV Record" model is a concept of super running shoes, with big and bouncy sole which have both functions of a pillow and a spring. It has a rather aggressive look like a supercar that showing off speed possibilities even when it stands still. You can view the 3D model on the brand's website isdkv.com.
In terms of geography synthetics’ distributed network is 99,9% of users united by how they envision content. Of users for whom profit is measured in visual efficiency. Cultural code of each resident is transferred from digital to physical. First, all reactions and pixels are hibernated , then via sublimation they’re encased in our items.
We’ve switched to traditional format neurophones long time ago.
Utilizing overclock potential at max is the way we achieve the high quality, anyway, we all didn’t even expect to achieve anything less.
Synthetics is all about you, guys.
RASPAD (tag 663) is a collective that has formed into a full-fledged brand and music group from the 663 group network.
light663& 663ger& detristeamal663& cerberus663& deadkatty663& l0v31sr3al663& istandards663& maneko663& 663корпус& https://www663exe& dark663& selfdestruction663& ecogrime663& cultsixboys663& rulers663& glutamatealpha663&
We are launching the synthetic.club platform.
It is a place for forming artistic communities, highlighting digital content, and generating new works.
The platform provides production facilities for the materialization of digital works into synthetic fabrics, for collaboration between authors of digital content, and a marketplace for interacting with the public and collectors.
synthetics.club believes in synthetic materials – the best medium for exhibiting digital art and it’s physical re-production
Participate in the development of the community, get items, collect clothing line